Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Agape Ranch is...

A place...
...for spiritual renewal.
...for pure devotion.
...for Godly surrender.
...of God's influence.
...for physical rest.
...of true form nature.
...where Christ's love abounds.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our plans are not always God's plan.

Well we had been planning to go to the proposed property and pray blessing and grace on the land.
We had planned to go during our kids Resurrection week break.
God had other plans...
Weather gave North Idaho 8-10" of snow and the road trip to Idaho would have been crazy. Montana, Wyoming and the Dakotas got hit with their worst blizzards in a long time. Since the property is a limited access normally, snow and blizzards would not make it any easier. I talked to the current owner of the property and he informed me that it would be likely that the hike would be 2 hours at best snow shoeing. WOW! I was trying to have Heather and the kids and my parents join us on the property. I guess the Lord wanted us to wait. We found ourselves in Florida enjoying the sun and relaxing. We definitely needed a relaxing time.

We are very grateful that He sent us there instead. We are planning to get out to the property this spring/summer. So for those that are praying for us and our goals, please pray for our safety.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Log Home Building Class

Well it is about time I got back on here...
Last month (January) I traveled to Washington State to receive instruction on how to build our structures for the ranch. I took a log home building class through What a great group of people, thank you Ellsworth and Steve! I have been trying to take the class for 3 years and every time I have the funds it is not offered and every time it is offered I had no funds. Well that is the timing of the LORD. He knew when I would be ready and when the time was right. His timing is always better than ours. And now I am a certified log home builder.
This month has been a growth spurt month. We have learned more this month than probably the last six. When I say growth, I mean spiritually in the Lord. Our family has just bloomed, now I realize we still are growing and it is an on going active relationship. I think with the many aspects of "doom and gloom" heard all over, our family has not seen the "recessional effects". I believe whole heartedly that when you are actively seeking our Heavenly Father on a day to day basis He provides. While others are struggling, and worried about job security, we are striving (that does not mean we are living luxurious).
I once heard that whatever you base your decisions on will be your life and death. Now when we base all and I mean ALL decisions on what God has planned for us, then there is no telling how we can be blessed. We feel so blessed to be able to work but also more importantly to spend quality time with our family.

Last few weeks have been hard for me, I have compiled an activities list in detail and an educational list in detail for ARM (Agape Ranch Ministries). This has put me in a struggle within myself. I know of the head way we are getting with the organization, but for some reason I am feeling as though this is dragging.
Okay, so I really need to just let Christ be the time keeper and I need to have peace with it.
My heart is breaking daily, hearing about the lost becoming further lost. I really want to build up God's Kingdom of truth and expel the lies of the adversary.
We have decided to travel to the property during Easter Break. We will be there end of March till beginning of April. We are going to go and pray over the property and over the current owners of the property. We believe that God has a divine plan for this specific piece of His creation for the furthering of His Kingdom. We are traveling there believing He is going to hand it over to Agape Ranch Ministries. Please be praying for us while we are there, for safety and for the deliverance of the property in Jesus name!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Patiently Waiting

It's hard sometimes when God gives you a vision, and you have a heart that is longing to get up and move, but the pace seems so slow. It's funny how God's timing and ours are two totally different speeds. We are praying that we do not miss God's intent as we pursue this dream. We are taking small steps daily, weekly or monthly to get this retreat up and going. It's time to set the world on fire! It's time that Christian men, women, and children train up, we are going into battle. Our desire is to reach out to children and" train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."(Proverbs 22:6)