Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The LORD spoke to me 09/11/11...


What do you want? Then it will be so.

The world is confused about Me and Who I am. Even my children are misled. I am Grace, Peace, Love, Joy I am not a tyrannical God. I loved you so much that I had My Son accept your sinful nature onto Himself and bear all sinful natures to set you free from the law. Do not be consumed with trying to convince anyone else. You are what matters to Me. They will grow a hunger for the truth and you will be able to share it with them.

Bless others as you speak and share My Love. Blessings are for those that want them, ask for them and believe for them. Faith is the creator of all things unseen. You need to ask questions to those over you. They will be a helpful guide as well. Be respectful and honorable when presenting questions to Me or others. Our response will be more favorable.

Test drive that which you desire, try it on for size.

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