Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The LORD spoke to me 09/12/11...


Pack. Get ready, it is at hand. It is in your hand. You just need to thank Me for it and Glorify Me with it, for you to see it. My Grace is upon you. I have created you and placed a Grace upon you that will keep you and mature you in My will. Love is the key. The door of next oportunity starts with using your key that I gave you to unlock with.

Do not labor in vain. Do all things through Me. I give you your daily bread and bread gives you strength. Ignore the taunts of the world. Keep your peace I have blessed you with. They will not understand until they are in My fullness as you are being blessed. Do not concern yourself of the things that are obvious or visible. Remember I am the God of all and I control the physical world as well as the unseen spiritual world.

You understand the value of Thanks giving and a grateful heart. Yes it is a condition of worship. Gratefulness is My favorite worship because it is the key that opens the doors of blessings. When you are thankful for things seen you receive it well. When you are grateful of things unseen you receive it well with the furthering growth of your faith. There is much to be given to those who are grateful of what they do not have as well as what they do have. Thanksgiving in your heart and praise on your lips are the honey I speak of. It is sweet to My Spirit.

Live as though you have received that which you have asked. My promises have and will continue to come true. I will not leave you.

(Vision He gave me:)Jesus is standing and I run to Him and fall to my knees and hug His leg and take His hand to my face. His eyes are Love ,His touch is Kindness and strength. His smile is Joy, His breadth is Peace, He is perfection. His beard is wisdom. His hair is faithfulness. His tongue is true as is His time with me.

In the next few weeks you will see the mountains up close. You will feel the mountain air, you will be breathing crisp cool clean air. My plan for you, you are in. There is no where I would rather have you than the place you are now. I know it is difficult for you in this place of rest. That is why you are in it. To surrender your flesh to My. I do not want you to bring your old self to the promised land. The promise land is not for your old self, it is designed for Me in you. You are no longer.

It is I who makes your steps for you now. You will have complete authority in the promised land because I give it to you freely. Your past 3½ years was a lesson. As the Israelites had the same lesson for 40 years I blessed you with only 3½. Be grateful for these years past, it will prove extremely helpful for what I have for you.

I want your family to join you. I want your friends to see My Glory manifested in this next season. You are going to shine of Me because I am placing you in exactly where I need and want you. This will give Me the praise and honor that is due. People will be astonished in this transition. Family members will glorify Me and want the relationship you and I now have and will continue to grow.

The world will change in the physical because of the spiritual influence you have on those around you. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Remember what you did tonight and how you came to this moment. Do it often – in memory of Me and you will never, never, absolutely never fail!

Bless and keep My people dear to you and you will always be in My will. Never give up hope. My will is alive in you more now than ever before. Nothing will separate My will from your life. You will now always know My perfect will because you know what I look like. Find Me in your heart and mind; and I will always lead you properly.

Your gifts will now begin to shine for Me. Your heart is on My heart beat. You will know My will by your heart and how you see, hear, and think. I am in you and you are in Me. I anoint you and you Glorify Me. This is the perfect relationship. My heart longs for others to have this relationship with Me. People just do not know. You will get the chance, many chances to tell others how they too can enter into My presence and have a perfect relationship with Me so I may bless them, how I bless you.

As you see Me you will hear me and I will hear you. Our relationship grows on those principles. Communication, presence, and true Love. Thank you for understanding. I know it was not easy getting here, but know that from now on it will be easier and easier the more we grow together. Joined to Me and separate from the world is how My light shines in and through you. You are in that place, let the blessings flow.

You have come to me expecting great things such as a perfect relationship. Now I bless you with the things that will set you and your family apart from the world and their definitions will have to be re-thought out. You and your family will completely redefine economics and financial freedom, My freedom I have, yet so many never find. You seek it diligently and I am revealing it to you. It is yours. You are My son and I am giving you what a Heavenly Father gives His son in right relationship deserves: EVERYTHING.

I love you My son be grateful and receive My blessings to you and your family. Succeed in Me and I in you. Milk and honey for us all...

The LORD spoke to me 09/11/11...


What do you want? Then it will be so.

The world is confused about Me and Who I am. Even my children are misled. I am Grace, Peace, Love, Joy I am not a tyrannical God. I loved you so much that I had My Son accept your sinful nature onto Himself and bear all sinful natures to set you free from the law. Do not be consumed with trying to convince anyone else. You are what matters to Me. They will grow a hunger for the truth and you will be able to share it with them.

Bless others as you speak and share My Love. Blessings are for those that want them, ask for them and believe for them. Faith is the creator of all things unseen. You need to ask questions to those over you. They will be a helpful guide as well. Be respectful and honorable when presenting questions to Me or others. Our response will be more favorable.

Test drive that which you desire, try it on for size.

The LORD spoke to me 09/10/2011...

I was doing my quiet time on September 10, 2011 and saw this vision:

I was talking to Jesus as I would be talking to a friend in the garage as I am tarping the trailer and tieing down everything.

They He spoke to me:

You will go alone at first but it will not be for long. You are not designed to be away from your wife for long. Bold and true asking for what you deserve, that is a way my son asks. That is getting serious. That is where I want you; to be serious in receiving My blessings I have for you. They are innumerable so it is good you are preparing. Once My blessings flow as long as they continue to flow from you to others I will continue to bless you.

Be filled with Joy and Peace. This source is not like any have ever witnessed before. There is a new day and a new way. Do not be discouraged in your search for work. Continue to know that I am your Source and provider. I will never let you down. I will always take care of you and keep you. Even as the world is in more and more disarray I will continue to pour blessings on you to be shared and passed on to others.

You are faithful and that is the conduit for the blessings.Faith keeps the pipes clean so blessings and flow will not be hindered. Grace will be the size of the pipe, and your pipe is enormous. Just do not stop it up with fear and doubt. It is like a cancer that corrupts the flow of blessings. When a mustard seed of Faith can move mountains then keep your mountain size faith and see that I will bless you immensely.

I count it joy to bless My children. I do not bless my servant but I pay him his due. My children I bless and continue to bless. I love My children, thank you for returning you love to Me.

Faith grows in the the waiting. The Faith is cleaning the blockage. The blockage of doubt and fear. Once the faith clears the dam, the blessings will not just trickle as they have to you. The blessings will flow from Me in ways you could not even understand if I told you.

Your children want something, you would not give them something else instead right? Well you asked Me and thanked Me in faith for it and I want to bless you with it NOW. So this is how you will receive it: Thanks giving in your heart and giving it back to Me in the ways I show you. Believing that you will receive even more after even if I have you give it all away. Bless Me, Thank Me, Give Me the Glory, and you will have received well. You will get it from sources unknown to you now but I will make it so clear that you WILL NOT MISS IT.

I am the God of Love and I do not want you to miss My blessings I have for you. So know thisL I will not fail at revealing My source of strength and refuge and financial increase. Do not worry. I am the source of all, let the world know that all you have comes from Me, so I may gain the Glory, honor, and praise. Do not take credit for anything. It is all Mine. I allow you to have My blessing. I do not want you to know the exact time, other than when you arrive at the place of reception you will know you are there. Stay there in that place until I tell you to go. There will be multiple places later but one for now.

Give comfort to your wife. Let her know that all is taken care of. I see the struggles and they will no longer be struggles of yours or hers but others who need your help in overcoming their problems.

(To Heather:)Your prayers are answered look and see what I am already doing. I have not forsaken you. I have devoted Myself for you. You are precious in my site. I speak to you through your soul mate. There is a deep reason why I had you and him get to this point. You are going to shine for Me like no other human has. I designed you for a specific goal of Mine no one else can fulfill. However you need Me to guide you. I will guide you through him. Since I guide him and I am his Father so am I your guide and your Father. You will be a voice for Me because of the past you suffered and I will bless you hundred fold. Remember I use all for My Glory and everything for good. Place your cares on Me and I will fill you with vision and imagination of what is to come for you. You are getting to know your gifting in the prophetic but I want you to explode in prophetic worship and words to My people. I am in you. You have GOD the Creator of the universe Maker of all things dwelling inside you. Tap My power and watch My blessings flow through you. Meditation on My Word, and Me, will bring you closer to My heart. I want you to succeed. I know that is a dream of yours. It will come to pass. It will not be because of something you did or something you did not do. It will just come naturaully from Me to you and you will be blessed. GRACE is yours!

My son you have unlimited resources to take care of your wife and family and all my people. People think you are crazy. Like you do not understand what it means to take care of your family. That is over with. The time has come to take care of them. You will take care of them first then the remainder will go to that which I tell you.

Tithe is a law, so give as I call your heart to give. Restrictive a law can not be followed without error. So you are saved by Grace, and Grace will you understand giving in the Holy Spirit. The curse of the law is no more upon you because My Son took upon Himself the law and the punishment of the law. You are saved by Grace. I will reveal what and when and to whom to give because I know you have a desire to give and a heart to give.

I do say, your family comes first. I exemplify Myself in your family. Your relationship with your wife should be as your relationship with Me, as example for the world to see. You two will work with Me and I will continue to pour and I mean down pour blessings on you.

Now there is a big change about to happen in the local church. A new sound, a new worship, a beautiful and melodious sound. You and Heather will be apart of it and understand it and enter into it without hesitation. Some will not accept it but My Spirit will guide them and you into it. BLESS the LORD!

Do as you are told for now and I will bless you for it. You know when you do things that you normally do not like but do them for Me. I am greatly pleased and it brings Joy to My heart. Now I will give you rest and peace and you will be rejuvenated early in the morn.

What the LORD spoke to me on 9/8/11...

Clear mountain air will invigorate your spirit.
I am everywhere but I manifest in clear places where I am wanted and accepted. Take authority over every place you step in the Name of Jesus. Claim every location for the Kingdom and I will pour out My blessings abundantly.

Your current location can be a resting place for those who are weary. No matter how small you think it is or how "bad" it is. I use all for My Glory. Your peace is others road to salvation in Me. If you cannot have peace in all situations how then can you share My Love, true Love with others. A resting place in the city. While you are there I will bless that land and guard it with angels of Peace and Joy. As you pour out to others I fill you and the process stretches your container so you can receive more.

Psalm 46:

God is our refuge and strength,

a very present help in trouble.

Therefore will not we fear,

though the earth be removed,

and though the mountains be carried

into the midst of the sea;

Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled,

though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

There is a river,

the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God,

the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.

God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved:

God shall help her, and that right early.

The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved:

he uttered his voice, the earth melted.

The LORD of hosts is with us;

the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

Come, behold the works of the LORD,

what desolations he hath made in the earth.

He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth;

he breaketh the bow,

and cutteth the spear in sunder;

he burneth the chariot in the fire.

Be still, and know that I am God:

I will be exalted among the heathen,

I will be exalted in the earth.

The LORD of hosts is with us;

the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

My son hear Me, hear My words, hear My desires, Hear my plans concerning you. Take heed to wise counsel you will know when the time is right. You have not wasted. I have watched you and you are learning.

I will give you abundance concerning the needs of others. Just wait and see. It is for My Glory I do these things. Give Me Glory, Honor and Praise for all in your life - good or bad. I make all things work together for good. You are Mine and I will bless you as you stay faithful to Me.

Do not listen to the things going on in the world, they are distractions from true Joy, Peace, and Love. That which I want all to have, however there are those that are so caught up in the world they cannot hear Me or see Me. Love them as I do. You cannot change their minds or hearts, but I can, and I will.

Clearly you have a goal, a desire in your heart. You will see it come to pass at a young age. You will be placed in places of influence where you will be an influential person. Many will want to be near you, however you need to use your discerning gift and be careful not to open up to everyone near you. You have had training in this in your past. Yes your growing up was a struggle but it made you aware of the things in operation of the world. Give it all to Me.

You are anointed to touch nations and Love others. To bless others in knowledge, financial, spiritual and mental aspects of their lives. You are one of my special tools in my toolbox. You were designed for a specific job. That job will be joyous and peaceful to you and your family.

There will be resistance, however you (with Me) will combat it and you will be stronger for it. Would you do anything for Me? You are wise for your youth, I will use you in areas unimaginable to you. Pursue Me continually and I will reveal Myself to you. My hearts desire is for all to know My Love for them and to accept Me and My Love.

AGAPE is what I want everyone to experience. You are my tool to share with others My AGAPE. Unconditional, unwavering, unfathomable, true undying LOVE. Without it, all is lost. Share it with everyone. I will bring people to you that seem all together and have it "made." They are a mess and need an example of AGAPE. You and your wife will share AGAPE with them. I will flow from you both My AGAPE to all those around you. Some will think you mad, but do not take it to heart because I am the only one Who opinion matters. Kindness, Gentleness, Self Control, Patience, Joy, Peace, Love, Righteousness, Faithfulness there are the definition of AGAPE.

The fruit will flow and as it flows, accept it and pass it on, distribute it to others so I may flow even greater out of you.

Psalm 49:3

My mouth shall speak of wisdom;

and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.

Do not accept honor from man for the wealth and riches that you are about to receive. You give Me great Joy. I am pleased with you. We are working out in you exactly what We want. Do the things in which you gave your word so that I will be glorified in you and through you. Live exemplary and Love extraordinary. Integrity is a trait reserved for those tools in my pouch that are dearest to My heart. You will find others with such integrity that have the same heart as you. Join with them to share My Love to all.

Give your all and in return you will never need or want. I will give you all to Glorify Me. Go now in the Name of Jesus. I have been guiding you and am still guiding you. I will always guide you, I just need you to always listen to Me. Take My hand. I will lead you a step at a time. Children should walk with their fathers hand holding theirs. As soon as they let go they have a higher chance of getting hurt. Don't let go. I will not lead you to destruction or disaster. Many in the world have let go of My hand. They are in danger. When something awful happens they yell for Me and sometimes at Me. They let go, not I. I will never let go, even if you let go I love you so much I will still hold you in your deepest hour.

I want this for you:
John 10:10
I am come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more abundantly.

Yes, I came to you that you might have life, and life more abundantly.
More Joy, more Peace, more Love, more Kindness, more Patience, more blessings. You are My special tool. Only you can do what I designed you to do. I love you. I am ready to bless you and your family. I will reveal how I will bless you, when MY timing is. You continue this path of open two way communication with Me and you will know before it happens.

Miracles will happen, it will be for the benefit of others and the Glory be to Me. Your seeds are close to being mature fruit bearing plants. They are delicious fruit. Only I can produce fruit as such and it is all yours. Get ready. Know where you will support, know the avenues of distribution. Write them down so there will be no delay in the distribution of My fruit through you. Remember that each fruit also contains seeds, sow the seeds of these fruits so I can create for you a heavenly harvest. It will not even be comparable to anything yet seen. All the glory will be given to Me through you.

Continue on even though you cannot humanly see the fruit and blessings that are yours. I have told you through others just a glimpse of what I have planned for you. They would not be able to explain the Glory. Everyone has a piece of the picture for you but I have the entire painting of time before me. Stay firm in your convictions and continue to study My Word.

Live exemplary for My Glory and watch and see the painting unfold before you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

This is what the LORD spoke to me...9/06/2011

Love my people. Take care of them. Support them. Cherish the thought of being financially free. Freedom is from Me. No where else. You know the promises I have for you. I want to remind you of them. Faithfulness, Joy, Love, Peace are yours through me. Blessings are now currently to give you rest.

Grace is the seed bed that the soil of Faith is placed in. Seeds have been planted and I water and tend to them not you. You are just supposed to pick the fruit and enjoy the harvest. The land is Mine which also makes it yours. The authority is Mine just as it is yours. I give you truth to run with so enjoy My blessings. They are for your enjoyment.

Give love unconditionally, to ALL people. I want to show my love for you. You are my child whom I am well pleased, not due to your performance but due to your birthright. Know that in My flow anything is possible.

Do not despise wise teaching, do not be troubled in wise counsel. Not everyone has the whole picture. That is why as the body you must connect with the other parts for you to function correctly. They that build the house in the LORD labor not in vain.

Enjoy life, use what you know. I gave it to you. It was not something you learned, it was and is a gift. Use them before they expire. You need rest, do not be weary or anxious. Those are not allowed in the Grace planter bed. Weeds will destroy seeds, worry and anxiety are noxious weeds. They will use the nutrients before the seeds even have a chance. Put away fear, anxiety, and worry for even after the seed has produced fruit, weeds can still choke the fruit bearing plants. Know that the seeds you plant will produce 50 fold and greater each. That works both positive seed and negative seed. Be careful of the words you say for every thought, deed and word is a seed. Be wise to the seeds in your garden. Seeds of Love, Joy, Peace, Giving, Kindness, Patience always yields that of the same in multitudes and quantities you could never fathom. Fruit of the Spirit have seeds in them so plant those. Love. Joy.

Counterfeiting Satan uses lust for Love, happiness for Joy, war for Peace, anxiety for Patience.
Know your plan for when it flows. Be prepared, be ready for My out pouring on you. Seek My face on everything and I will continue to supply your needs and wants and the needs of many multitudes around you.

Many think that if they just do this or do that their situation changes. Untrue, they just become more of what they already were. Conferences, meetings, gatherings will not bring them to Me. They must come open hearted and freed mind. You do not need anyone else to anoint you. Only I can anoint you. There is no limit on me and the way I work. Comes through people sometimes but its origin is Me. No need to worry about what the world worries about. You are not of the world, the calamities or disasters of the Earth. You are my child, and you are above it.

You can do anything with Me. You can do it too, ask. I am your Father and I give My sons what they ask in My Son's Name. Create in you a desire to seek Me in new ways and I will be glad to reveal Myself to you. Trust that your heart is right and your analytical situation solving is fleshly at best. Love those that are hard to love. This is the secret to great wealth and blessing. Do not concern yourself what others think or worry how they will react. They are responsible for them, you are responsible for you. Your sins are forgiven of you, be of good cheer!

I have given such power to men, very few know this. You have all the greatest power that created the universe and you, in you. Believe it true and let it shine for My glory and it will multiply. Pray over crops and lands and bank accounts and houses. Pray over income however so slight. Bless it and thank Me for it and command multiplication in blessing over it.
I love you and will always be here for you. Thank you for taking the time to listen to Me.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Communion with God...

How I learned to hear from God...
People in the Bible can hear the voice of God, why is it so difficult for us now to hear Him? We are in a fog of technological distraction, that would be the easy way to explain it, but what about those that do not even know what technology is? As I studied the Word and listened to Mark Virkler I realized I wanted to hear God's voice but was not. It was depressing and I was not getting anywhere. I put four keys into action and there He was speaking to me, actually since putting into action the "four keys of hearing God's voice", I found that He was speaking to me all along. Wow what a revelation to have in such a time as this. There was a few other things that I learned as well. I realized that I can learn from out side my theological boundaries, because there is truth there. I can gather truth from anywhere when the Holy Spirit is leading me. Remember we are to be childlike to enter the Kingdom of God, so we need to realize that children do not have all the answers. We need to be open to hear the Holy Spirit and His leading in the truth that we find. I should not be Pharisaical in my approach to life.
Okay, so now I will list the four keys to hearing God's voice. Currently I will be using this blog to write these things and the things I journal about daily.
(All verses are NKJV unless otherwise noted.)
Habakkuk heard God so I will too.
Habakkuk 2:1+2 (italics + bold added):
I will stand my watch
And set myself on the


And watch to
see what He
say to me,
And what I will answer

when I am reproved.

Then the LORD answered me

and said:

"Write the vision

And make it plain on tablets,

That he may run who reads it."

It is a great idea to find those in the Bible that have the gift or do what you want to be able to do and study them. Also ask them to teach you how...

Key #1: Quiet yourself in the Presence of God. BE STILL.
  • "Stand my watch and set myself on the rampart"
  • Repent of not stilling your mind.
  • Tell your mind to be still.
  • Repent for fearing Satan over God's grace getting me.
  • Ask for the Spirit, quiet your mind, when you believe for it, it will happen.
Key #2: Look for vision as you pray.
  • "And watch to see what He will say to me"
Habakkuk understood a very important principle of hearing the LORD. He watched to see what the LORD wanted to say. In our analytical minds we think that is a mix up of senses, that is why we need the Holy Spirit to guide us in the study of His Word. There are many accounts of Biblical characters that had visions. As a matter of fact if we as Christians are not having visions we are not in obedience to the LORD.
Hebrews 12:2
"looking unto Jesus"
Joel 2:28
"...old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men
shall see visions"
Acts 2:17
"...young men shall see visions,
Your old men
shall dream dreams."

I believe when the LORD says shall, He means for it to be not just a suggestion but a loving command.
  • Seeing instead of thinking: Visual vs. analytical
  • "New Agers" are counterfeiting what the Church should be doing.
  • Vision is real it has value.
  • Seek what else has Satan counterfeited? And do those things in the name of Jesus.
  • God created all things for good and Satan counterfeited to confuse us.
How do I use vision, dreams and imagination? Bible is full of them. God is not afraid of vision. Do not add fear in your life in any way. Add faith!
Repent for not looking for visions, dreams, and imaginations. Present the eyes of my heart as a living sacrifice. Use vision purposefully, look for it, live for it, surrender your eyes of your heart to the Heavenly Father.
  • Imaginations are childlike.
  • The children will inherit the Kingdom of God.
  • Put your name in for the promises in the Bible
  • Place yourself in the scenes of the Bible, live them out in your imagination.
  • Invite the Holy Spirit to the scene, let Him speak to you and write it all down.
  • Do it daily, this is meditation on His Word.
  • Write the flow.
Key #3: What He will speak to me will be spontaneous thought.
  • Very Simple, God is not wanting it to be complicated, how can a child understand complication?
  • We hear God's voice every day, tune into His spontaneity.
  • Our thinking is logical, analytical and orderly.
  • When in flow we are most creative and effective.
John 7:38
"He who believes in Me,
as the Scripture has said,

out of his heart will flow rivers of living water
  • Let the Holy Spirit flow like a river, the Holy Spirit speaks through me and worships through me.
  • In flow every thing is wonderfully perfect, because you have given the worldly cares to Him.
  • When in tune to Him and His flow, thoughts, visions, and the anointing comes.
What does the human spirit feel like? It is flow in the Holy Spirit.

Key #4:Write out the flow of thoughts and pictures in you.
  • Two way journal writing.
  • Let Him do most of the talking (80-90%)
Ecclesiastes 5:2
"Do not be rash with your mouth,
And let not your heart utter

anything hastily before God.

For God is in heaven, and

you on earth;

Therefore let your words be few
  • The Bible, of course. is all vision in written form.
  • Journal writing releases the Word of God.
  • Come in faith believing, God can be trusted while praying, give Him a chance.
  • When flow is flowing write it all down, do not doubt or stop.
  • Test is later.
  • Writing is a tool, knowing you can stay in faith and knowing you can test it later.
Here is a short summary of what I learned through this:
  1. Stillness
  2. Vision
  3. Spontaneity
  4. Journal Writing
Use all 4 at once and you will hear GOD! I did and it worked...
Journal everyday...
My next entry will be what the LORD had me write down...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Well bless the LORD!

Yup that is right we are traveling to the North Idaho region to bless the
property the LORD has provided for us. We will be staking our Heavenly claim on it!
This is the time for favor from our LORD. Thank you Jesus!
Please be praying for our trip and for the LORDS will to be accomplished.
I will be posting photos and info as soon as I get them.

River on property:

Views of property:

Trees of the property:

How thick the forest is:

A view of one of the lakes on the Property:

View of the other lake:

View from property 2000 ft over Lake Pend Oreille:

Another view of Lake Pend Oreille, and Sandpoint, ID is in far distance:

This is the creek on the property and the beautiful foliage: